Mark Ransford

Bryce Horswell

Fall 2003

Prof. Westblade


Bibliography of John Wesley


Baker, Frank. John Wesley and the Church of England. Epworth Press, 2000.


Borgen, Ole E. John Wesley on the Sacraments: A Theological Study. Zondervan, 1986.

This study may provide further historical background to the sacramental debates in New England, largely under Solomon Stoddard’s open communion. Wesley’s views influenced England, but to what extent they had a positive or negative ripple effect in New England is worth investigating.


Burtner, Robert W. and Chiles, Robert E. John Wesley’s Theology: A Collection from             His Works. Abigon Press, 1982.


Cannon, William Ragsdale. The Theology of John Wesley: With Special Reference to the             Doctrine of Justification. Rowman & Littlefield, 1984.

Ragsdale’s work is an important examination of one of the most prodigious doctrines since the Reformation.


Capon, John. John and Charles Wesley. Hodder & Stoughton Religious Division, 1988.

Capon provides insight to the relationship between the Wesley brothers.


Clapper, Gregory S and Saliers, Don E. John Wesley on Religious Affections: His Views             on Experience and Emotion and Their Role in Christian Life and Theology.             Scarecrow Press, 1989.


Collins, Kenneth J. A Real Christian: The Life of John Wesley. Abigon Press, 1999.

An engaging biography that makes the reader think.


Collins, Kenneth J. The Scripture Way of Salvation: The Heart of John Wesley’s             Theology. Abigon Press, 1997.

Collins maps out the Wesleyan “via salutis,” or “the way of salvation”, and in so doing illumines the theology of Wesley.


Collins, Kenneth J. John Wesley: A Theological Journey. Abigon Press, 2003.


Hattersley, Roy. A Brand From the Burning: The Life of John Wesley. New York:             Doubleday, c2003.

In his fast-paced and detailed biography, Hattersley (Fifth Year On) chronicles Wesley's life from his childhood to his early years as an evangelist in the colony of Georgia and his later struggles to establish Methodism to counter the sterility of the Anglican communion. Like no other Wesley biographer, Hattersley provides the details of Wesley's failed love affairs and his unfortunate marriage. Lively, engaging and well told; Hattersley's biography gives an unvarnished portrait of the character of the man and the life he lived.


Heitzenrater, Richard P. Wesley and the People Called Methodists. Abigon Press, 1994.  

Heitzenrater gives a thorough biographical analysis of Wesley and Methodism, but at times, the material is a difficult read.


Henry, Abelove. The Evangelist of Desire: John Wesley and the Methodists. Standford,             Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1990.

Abelove’s book focuses on the prodigious influence Wesley hand on his disciples, Methodism, England, and the 18th century.


Jennings, Theodore W. Good News to the Poor: John Wesley’s Evangelical Economics.             Nashville: Abingdon Press, c1990.

Jennings efforts stress the political and social views that influenced Wesley during the 18th century, covering a broad spectrum. A special emphasis is on Wesley’s concern for the poor.


Kimbrough Jr., S. T. A Heart to Praise My God: Wesley Hymns for Today. Abigon             Press, 1996.

This book provides both a good introduction to the hymns of Charles Wesley as well as good devotional material. A list of more scholarly guides to great hymns is included.


Outler, Albert C. John Wesley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

This volume offers a representative selection of theological writings by Wesley, historically oriented introductions and footnotes which indicate Wesley’s Anglican, patristic, and biblical sources. Outler has a thorough knowledge of Wesley’s life, teachings, and impact.


Outler, Albert Cook. John Wesley’s Sermons: An Introduction. Nashville: Abingdon             Press, c1991.

This book will introduce one to Wesley’s sermons and give insight to the man behind Methodism.


Outler, Albert C.; Heitzenrater, Richard P.; Wesley, John. John Wesley’s Sermons: An             Anthology. Abigon Press, 1991.

Oulter has a thorough knowledge of John Wesley and is a good scholarly source to consult, whether it is this book, or the ones mentioned earlier.


Steele, Richard B. Gracious Affection and “True Virtue” According to Jonathan             Edwards and John Wesley. Scarecrow Press, 1994.

Steele's volume analyzes for the first time, on the basis of the extant texts, the historical and literary relationships between the two theologians. On the basis of this work, the doctrinal, ethical, and pastoral stances of Wesley and Edwards are compared and contrasted.


Tyson, John R. Charles Wesley: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

This excellent collection of representative selections from his personal journal, hymns, poems, and sermons documents his significant role in English religious history.


Tyson, John R. Charles Wesley on Sanctification: A Biographical and Theological             Study. Zondervan, 1986.

Tyson’s work will provide a comparison between Charles’ theology and John’s concerning sanctification.


Wesley, John. The Journal of John Wesley: A Selection. Oxford; New York: Oxford             University Press, 1987.

The Journal is Wesley’s personal collection of diaries, which will be biographical and lend an intimate view into his personal and ministerial life.


Wesley, John. The Works of John Wesley. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1996.


Wesley, John; Gonzalez, Justo L. Obras de Wesley 14-Volume Set. Providence House             Publishers, 1999.


Wesley, John and Charles. Songs and Sermons. HarperCollins 1997.

Song and Sermons will introduce one to the influential role John and Charles had in 18th century hymns and preaching.


John Wesley the Preacher [video recording]. Worcester, Pa.: Vision Video, c1990.

The production is a thirty-minute introduction to the 18th century world of John Wesley, followed by a dramatic recreation of a sermon by Wesley, who has been considered one of the church’s most powerful preachers.