Stephanie Morgan

Carrie Gregory




Belknap, Jeremy. “Memoirs of the Lives, Characters and Writings of those two

eminently Pious and useful ministers of Jesus Christ, Dr. Isaac Watts and Dr.

Philip Doddridge.” Boston: Edes & West, 1793.

Looks helpful because it includes an introduction of biographical information, along with some hymns, meditations, and letters, which show a glimpse into Watts’ private life.


Benson, Louis F. The Hymnody of the Christian Church. Richmond Virginia: John

Knox Press, 1956.

            Good account of his philosophy/stance on music/hymns. His “system of praise.”

What happened to his hymns/texts – how others changed it, thus changing the

doctrine presented in them. Includes his poetry and method of hymn writing.


Carey, Matthew. “The Beauties of the Late Reverend Dr. Isaac Watts: containing the

most striking and admired Passages in the Works of that justly celebrated Divine,

Philosopher, Moralist, and Poet: equally calculated for the communication of

polite and useful knowledge, and the increase of Wisdom and Happiness, to

which is added – The Life of the Author.” Newburyport, Mass.: Edmund M.

Blunt, 1797.

Some biographical information. Mostly this would be useful for looking at some of Watts’ hymns and poems.


Jack, Robert. “A Letter on Psalmody: shewing that human composures ought not to be

used in Christian worship, in singing the praises of God.” Philadelphia: Bailey, 1790.

            An interesting essay of disagreement with Watt’s doctrine. Jack asserts

            that Watts holds theological positions that are unorthodox.



Ninde, Edwards. Nineteen Centuries of Christian Song. New York: Fleming H. Revell

Co, 1938.

Biographical information and mood/atmosphere of religion when Watts comes on the scene. Shows how his hymns reflect his nature/character/beliefs.


Smith, Jane, and Betty Carlson. Great Christian Hymn Writers. Wheaton Illinois:

Crossway Books, 1997.

            A very brief biography.

Watts, Isaac. “Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, for the use of Children.”

Haverhill, N.H.: Coverly, 1797.

Shows Watts’ interest in raising and educating children in a godly way. Includes a preface to the parents as well as songs for children that appear to have great depth.


Watts, Isaac. “Divine and Moral Songs: Attempted in Easy Language for the use of

Children.” Boston: Hall, 1796.

Similar to the previous collection of Watts’ poems and songs for children, although this also includes prayers for children.