Papers from Hillsdale College
REL 319 -- Eighteenth Century Theology:
Jonathan Edwards and American Puritanism

David Brainerd: An Annotated Bibliography

by Peter Dassow and Benjamin Fisher

Brooks. Colin. "The Life of David Brainerd" [book review]. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 37 (1986): 505-6.

Conforti, Joseph. "Jonathan Edwards Most Popular Work: The Life of David Brainerd And Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Culture," Church History 54 (1985): 28-50 (says Ben); 188-201 (says Peter).

Edwards, Jonathan. The Life of David Brainerd. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.

Fiering, Norman. "The Life of David Brainerd" [book review], The New England Quarterly 58 (1985): 295-7.

Pettit, Norman. "Prelude to Mission: Brainerd's Expulsion from Yale," The New England Quarterly 59 (1986): 28-50.

Pointer, Richard, W. "'Poor Indians' and the 'Poor In Spirit': The Indian Impact on David Brainerd," The New England Quarterly 67 (1994): 403-26.

Thornbury, John F. David Brainerd: Pioneer Missionary to the American Indians. Darlington, England: Evangelical Press, 1996.

Weddle: David L. "The Melancholy Saint: Jonathan Edwardís Interpretation of David Brainerd as a Model of Evangelical Spirituality," Harvard Theological Review 81 (1988): 297-318

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Last updated: 8 March 1998